Saturday, December 1, 2018

Neil deGrasse Tyson Responds to Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Explains Special handshake

Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the special handshake

From Dr. Tyson's Facebook page:

On Being Accused
...Summer 2018 Incident
...Further, I never touched her until I shook her hand upon departure. On that occasion, I had offered a special handshake, one I learned from a Native elder on reservation land at the edge of the Grand Canyon. You extend your thumb forward during the handshake to feel the other person’s vital spirit energy — the pulse. I’ve never forgotten that handshake, and I save it in appreciation of people with whom I’ve developed new friendships....
Doing some research we find depictions of the special handshake that immeasurably  pre-date the Native elder on reservation land at the edge of the Grand Canyon and may bolster the veracity of Dr. T's story:
Now. it is entirely understandable that the young lady was creeped out if she was unaware of the spiritual significance of the special handshake,
Or it might be that NdGT is full of it.
Your call.

note: the image depicted is not the actual special handshake.
I just happened to see Dr. Tyson's 'On Being Accused' within a couple hours of seeing the Michelangelo and the juxtaposition sort of created itself.