Thursday, December 27, 2018

Satan is Real: "4th Biggest Buy Program Of All Time Sends Dow Soaring Over 900 Points"

Someone (200 West St.?) is doing Beelzebub's work.
I think we are close to uncharted territory here.

From ZeroHedge:
Dow futures plunged over 760 points after tagging yesterday's highs overnight, but those darn algos ripped the market higher in the last hour erasing the entire drop...  with the biggest buy program since February...
And the 4th biggest buy program of all time...
In words...
And pictures... Dow futs exploded over 900 points higher, taking out yesterday's highs and ending like yesterday at the highs of the day...
On the day, Small Caps ended red but The Dow led the rest green...

As the man said: "When the elephants dance, the chickens must be careful."