Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Somber Fly Asks For Our Prayers

I'm starting to suspect multiple personality disorder combined with 'roid rage, manic-depression, psychotropic/mood-altering chemicals and too much time in the business.

This was just before the close yesterday: 

Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:57pm EST
Bought into the Bell — God Have Mercy on My Soul
I bought MU, PAYC, TWTR, APPF and ZEN into the bell — all 5% positions. Couple that with an earlier purchase of EXK and I’ve now allocated 70% of my cash. My portfolio is most unusual, centered around the idea that bonds, gold, and SAAS can rise at the same time. While this might appear to be an odd mixture of complexities, it is well thought out and a cowardly approach to a potential melt up....MORE
Followed by a late-night post:

Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:18pm EST 
...HELLO — I was fucking born for these days, having toiled in the sewers of Brooklyn before it was gentrified. I’d walk to school in the coldest weather imaginable with a broken book bag, and holes in my speakers, into the horse trails of shit, mud, and wild animals. My life has been a series of incidents and accidents of the biblical scale, only bemused by periods of excess, but uncomfortable with success.
Down markets are my forte. You’ve only read about them in books.

Futures are sharply higher this evening. We’ve got follow thru underway on the reversal hammer from two days ago. The close this evening was just fine and STFU about the weakness. The market has crashed in recent weeks. Accept a +165 day as a good alternative to -500.
I allocated 25% into tech stocks before the bell. Expect winship in the A.M., followed by a stern chastising to never offer me financial advice again....MORE 
And this morning: 
Thu Dec 13, 2018 9:08am EST
JP Morgan Upgrades $GE — Merry Fucking Xmas
This is a very, very significant upgrade. Steve Tusa from JPM has been bearish on GE since $30. He nailed the downside in the stock and has now upgraded it. Enough of the negativity. It is time to purchase shares of GE, barreling fat and greasy into the Xmas season.
“We are upgrading GE to Neutral and removing it from the Analyst Focus List as a short idea as we now see a more event-driven, balanced risk reward at current levels,”...
It's almost as if three different people wrote the posts.  
Interesting that he likes the SaaS stocks.