The timelines were from'll stop here with the story of the first American troop transport to cross the French coastline (remember, the British loonies in the gliders landed an hour earlier)
From the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, August 2015:
Crowdsourcing Saves D-Day’s First Airplane
And from Warbird News, January 31, 2018:
‘That’s All, Brother’ Takes to the Skies!!!
So the day has arrived. It’s a frigid afternoon at Wittman Field in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, but the moment so many of us have been waiting for is here. The hangar door at Basler Turbo Conversions slowly opens, and the Commemorative Air Force’s D-Day veteran Douglas C-47A Skytrain That’s All, Brother is pushed carefully out into daylight in preparation for her first post-restoration flight. The aircraft has undergone more than 22,000 hours of painstaking effort to repair or replace any deficient structure, hardware and systems. She resembles a patchwork quilt in many ways, with shiny new skin matched against the olive drab and tan of her earlier days on the air show circuit dressed as an AC-47 gunship. But despite her mottled exterior, this aircraft is as solid as the day she first rolled off the assembly line in Tulsa, Oklahoma during early 1944....MUCH MOREThe plan is to get the plane to Normandy in time for the 75th anniversary next year.