Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bloomberg News Editor-In Chief-John Micklethwait On Layoffs, Reorganization

Interesting tone. He could have gone with "Mike spent a billion on his Presidential run, and another $100 Mill to flip Florida for Biden..." but instead of saying that and saying "the consultants got rich on the ad buys and all his sycophants here at BBG news have job security" Mr. M. sort of makes it sound like all troubles stem from the reporters and editors.

Via Talking Biz News, February 11:

Bloomberg News editor in chief John Micklethwait sent out the following email to the staff on Thursday:

To All Bloomberg Editorial & Research:

As a newsroom, we have learnt a lot over the past 12 months. At our best, we have been unbeatable. Look at the way we covered Covid and markets, or at the way that BI and BN have worked together over earnings. We have got much better at using audio and video, and, even if our hope remains to all be back in the office soon, we have proved that we can work from home in ways that did not seem possible. We have excelled when we have been flexible, worked across teams, and focused on what the customer wants.

However, we all know that we also “lost” stories because we moved too slowly. Teams waited for somebody to back-read a piece or ignored the requires from the News Desk to get a blast out quickly. Managers spent too much time setting up conference calls when they should just have been writing. Or teams suddenly delivered enterprise pieces that nobody wanted.

Covid has highlighted these strengths and weaknesses. But in truth they have been evident for some time. We need to have more ownership and accountability.

In light of this we have decided to reorganize, and sadly this has meant losing some of our colleagues. This was not a step that we took lightly. But we have always sought to make the newsroom better — to make us more nimble, to improve our content, and to help us “chronicle capitalism” in an even more comprehensible way....


That's it for media critiques this month, and although we had an FT vs WSJ let's get ready to rumble story in the queue it can wait.