Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Like Oil and Water: Saudi Arabia's Salt, Power and the Hajj

From Futurity:

Saudi Arabia’s search for water led to the discovery of oil. And that’s ironic, according to historian Michael Christopher Low, given the country’s current dependence on oil to produce drinking water. 
Low, an assistant professor at Iowa State University who specializes in modern Middle Eastern and environmental history, says 15 percent of the oil Saudi Arabia produces is used to power its desalination facilities, which convert salt water into potable water. 
“Without desalinization there is no possibility that any major cities in Saudi Arabia could exist,” Low says. “What happens if there is less oil in the future? The Saudis are completely dependent on oil for water. At what point will they not be able to devote those oil resources to run this energy-guzzling process just to create enough water, never mind the environmental consequences along the coasts?” 
Low’s paper in the journal Comparative Studies in Society and History highlights the precarious relationship between oil and water in Saudi Arabia—as well as the United States. 
There are no simple answers to these questions that have global implications. Low says these are issues the United States must also consider as it explores alternatives to lessen dependence on foreign sources of energy. The cost of oil and oil extraction is often defined by gas prices, availability, or the impact on the economy, without much consideration of the environmental impact, Low adds. 
“As we’re thinking about the role of shale gas and oil fracking in the western United States, it would behoove us to keep in mind that this is a water-poor environment already,” Low says. “This incestuous relationship between oil extraction, water scarcity, and water quality is one that haunts us. That’s one way to think about this issue.” 
CHOLERA AND THE HAJJLow’s essay traces the origins of desalination back to the 1890s, well before it became widely used in the 1970s. The Ottoman state developed the technology to meet the demand for clean water and limit the outbreak of cholera during the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. 
Insufficient efforts to repair the region’s 9th-century aqueduct system, and thin, desert water resources made desalination an attractive option. 
Low is the first to translate the documents, written in Ottoman Turkish, outlining the prehistory of desalination in Saudi Arabia. His research of Ottoman Turkish, British and American Archives, as well as Arabic printed sources, illustrates how the push to expand the technology overshadowed environmental concerns. With the help of US geological and hydraulic expertise, Saudi Arabia now has more than 30 desalination facilities....MORE