From Bespoke Investment Group:
For traders with a short-term time horizon who are looking for
big moves over a short period, we have updated our list of the S&P
1500 stocks trading above $10 that have the largest intraday high-low
ranges (based on the average percent spread between the intraday high
and low over the last 50 days). The stocks are grouped based on whether
they have a rising or falling 50-day moving average (DMA). Stocks
highlighted in gray are new to the list since our last report.
Due to the recent sell off in equities, just seven of the 50 stocks
listed have rising 50-day moving averages. Interestingly, even though
overall volatility has picked up, there are still only three stocks
(PVA, ZLC, and ANIK) that have average intraday high-low ranges of more
than 5% over the last 50 trading days....MORE