After getting to 6% to the good Jan. 22, the short gold/long platinum trade actually dipped into the red before it started going in our favor again this week:
5 day via Yahoo Finance:
and the three month:
Jan. 25
The Gold/Platinum Pair Trade: What a Difference a Couple Days Make (GLD; PPLT)
I fear I may have some 'splainin' to do at the Monday morning meeting.Jan. 22
South Africa Gold Strike Delayed, Platinum Walkout Is On" (GLD; PPLT)
This is about as good as it gets for our little short gold/long platinum pair trade.Jan. 20
More on South Africa's Striking Mineworkers
Jan. 20
UPDATED--South African gold producers receive strike notice from AMCU
And where this madness began:
Nov. 26, 2013
"Platinum deficit to widen while prices decouple from gold"
Nov. 24, 2013
If You Absolutely Have to Have Precious Metals Exposure, Consider Platinum (HSBC)