Friday, January 11, 2013

Oh Good Grief: "Platinum ETF Leads Commodities on Platinum Coin Furor"

There is no excuse for not making money in this market.

When we posted Please Tell Me that the Trillion Dollar Coin Idea Isn't What's Moving the Platinum ETF (PPLT) it was timestamped " ".
Now we see the headline story, from ETF Trends, timestamped "January 11th at 2:09pm":
ETFS Physical Platinum Shares (NYSEArca: PPLT) is the best-performing commodity ETF this week with a gain of more than 4% as talk of the U.S. minting a $1 trillion platinum coin to avert the debt ceiling just refuses to die.

“In just a few weeks, the ‘platinum coin’ option has gone from a wacky idea to becoming the subject of serious discussion among academics, market participants and, yes, some politicians. In itself, this evolution says a lot about the state of U.S. Congressional dysfunction, especially when it comes to economic governance,” writes Mohamed El-Erian, CEO and co-chief investment officer of PIMCO, at
The platinum ETF was up for the fourth straight session Friday amid the lingering debate and grandstanding over the platinum coin....MORE
I don't know whether to laugh or cry all the way to the bank.