Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bank write-offs

From the Financial Times Lex column:
As the technology bubble imploded, fund managers stopped pretending to know what ethernet routers did and started asking what life would look like if all tech stocks halved in value....MORE

Too true to be funny.
This, however, is hilarious. From FT Alphaville:
Hedge heaven

This is an appeal for assistance.

Adam Dant, a London artist whose style was described recently by the Guardian as “broadly Hogarthian,” has been commissioned by William Cash’s Spear’s Wealth Management Survey to document the lives of London’s hedge fund managers.

Having spent six months mooching around Mayfair, hanging out, in particular, at David Yarrow’s Clareville Capital, the results of Dants’ labours will be displayed at Robilant and Voena, on Dover Street, from November 12-16.

Charlotte Higgins, the Guardian’s art correspondent, says Dant spent time following managers as they toured they favourite haunts:...

TATE ETC on Hogarth.