Monday, September 2, 2024

"Ukraine government stops payments to Cargill on $700M debt"

Now Cargill is a big company, $177 billion in revenue last year, but even for them $700 million going into the nonperforming pile is an attention-grabbing number.

From the Minneapolis StarTribune via the Boston Herald, August 30:

The Ukrainian government has suspended payments on about $700 million it owes to Cargill in tandem with a massive debt reorganization tied to its war with Russia.

Cargill Financial Services International, the agribusiness giant’s trade financing arm, had loaned money to the Ukrainian government prior to the war. Earlier this week, the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers decided to temporarily stopped payments on the Cargill debt starting next week, according to several reports.

Minnetonka-based Cargill didn’t respond to requests for comments.

Cargill Financial Services primarily provides trade financing to companies and banks in several countries, and it has long been particularly active in former Soviet lands.

The Cargill repayment suspension is one of several measures Ukraine has recently taken as the war has drained its finances. Ukraine’s overseas bondholders recently agreed to restructure $20 billion in debt the country owed, Bloomberg News reported this week. The bondholders agreed to accept losses of $86.7 billion, 37% of their claims.

The Ukrainian government also suspended payments to the holders of $825 million in bonds a state-owned power company issued....

