Friday, September 13, 2024

"The Boom in Zero-Day Options Is Coming for Tesla and Nvidia"

Well, I guess my work here is done. I'll check in if there are any breakthroughs in dopaminergic signaling or cascades but for now it looks like beach-time for yours truly.

From the Wall Street Journal, September 9:

Brokers and exchanges discuss expanding #0dte to options on individual stocks

A popular, fast-paced trade has boosted the options market to record volumes in recent years. Now, Wall Street is looking to push it even further.

Zero-day-to-expiry options let investors bet on whether a particular stock-market index will rise or fall by the end of the day. They have drawn an enthusiastic following among amateur investors, even as skeptics call them a form of gambling. They are sometimes known by the hashtag #0dte.

So far, the #0dte boom has been limited to options tied to indexes such as the S&P 500 or Nasdaq-100. The next frontier could be options on stocks such as Tesla or Nvidia.

Currently, options tied to individual stocks expire weekly, on Fridays. To bring #0dte to single-stock options, exchanges would need to add new expirations for Monday through Thursday.

Michael McCaskill, a 48-year-old day trader and volleyball-programs coordinator in Louisville, Ky., trades short-dated options in hopes of hitting the jackpot. He’s intrigued by the prospect of more-frequent expirations on single-stock options.

“The percentage gains are incredible,” said McCaskill, who has previously made profitable bets on GameStop, Netflix and PayPal. “It’s the short-dated options that give you that, whether it’s weekly or daily.”

Financial-industry executives hope that rolling out daily expirations on single-stock options can unleash a trading bonanza. But it would also pose new risks for investors, particularly for options that expire on days when a company reports earnings after 4 p.m. ET. With daily expirations, many more options would expire the same day as large, after-hours price moves. Few companies report earnings on Fridays.

During the past year, brokers, exchanges and electronic-trading firms—including heavyweights such as Charles Schwab and Citadel Securities—have discussed the pros and cons of bringing the #0dte model to options on individual stocks, people familiar with the matter said.

In closed-door industry meetings, retail brokerages such as Robinhood Markets, Schwab, Tastytrade and Morgan Stanley’s E*Trade have advocated for a cautious approach, concerned they could face a customer backlash if investors’ options trades blow up, the people said.

Other firms—including Susquehanna International Group, a huge options-market maker, and Nasdaq—have actively promoted bringing daily expirations to single-stock options, the people said. Both market makers and exchanges stand to benefit from the volumes that could come from further growth in the #0dte phenomenon.

The earliest that #0dte might come to options on individual stocks is late 2025, the people said. Some proponents of the move have suggested a limited launch, covering options on just a small number of stocks initially, to give investors time to adapt....


If interested see also June's "How gamification took over the world" or a couple hundred others, 'search blog' box upper left, keyword: dopamine.

The Dalmatian Coast is nice, quiet with the crowds thinning out, ditto for Amalfi later in the year.