Monday, September 9, 2024

"Now Germany wants to send EU migrants to Rwanda and use facilities left empty when Keir Starmer pulled UK out of £290million deal with African nation as Berlin feels pressure to act after Islamist-linked terror attack"

From the Daily Mail, September 5/6:

Germany wants the EU to send migrants to Rwanda and use facilities originally set up to take those arriving in the UK by boat before Labour scrapped the plan.
Berlin's migration commissioner Joachim Stamp has proposed deporting those who arrive illegally in the bloc via Poland's border with Belarus.

Germany's special representative for migration agreements, said the EU could utilize existing asylum facilities in Rwanda, which were initially intended for arrivals from Britain.

One of Sir Keir Starmer's first acts after winning the election in July was to cancel the scheme before it had even started, after the Tory government had already spent £290million

The proposal comes amid rising pressure on Germany's ruling coalition government to restrict irregular migration following a fatal stabbing linked to Islamic State at a city festival last month that fuelled far-right opposition and criticism of Berlin's migration policies....


At least Rwanda is forecast to be the world's third-fastest growing emerging market over the next five years.

Reading this story, all I could think of was the failed U.S. retreat from Afghanistan in August 2021 and the U.S. helpers who got the lousy lottery tickets:

"Uganda receives 51 out of expected 2,000 Afghan refugees"

 Oh dear. You can just imagine the conversation: 

"What's this? Kampala? There must be some mistake, I signed up for the Berlin package: Ku'damm, techno, Tiergarten, last of the hipsters. Not Uganda."