Saturday, September 7, 2024

"China Crisis Hits Australian Tax Receipts"

Like California depending on Silicon Valley capital gains tax revenue, the boom times are almost unimaginably good but...the bust....

From Global Construction Review, August 28:

Australia warns of $3bn ore slump as China’s boom reverses

Australia’s economic policy chief, Treasurer Jim Chalmers, has warned that falling iron ore prices linked to a major slowdown in China’s construction output could lead to a A$3bn hole in previously expected tax receipts.

Prices for iron ore, needed to produce steel, have fallen by around 31% since the start of this year amid shrinking demand in China.

One measure of China’s construction output is residential construction.

As a result of its real estate crisis, residential construction starts in China have tumbled from their 2019 peak of 1,675 million square metres to just 693 million square metres last year, a level of output not seen since 2006, Statista records....