Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Word Of Caution On Tesla's Stock (TSLA)

Now don't get me wrong, I'm as much into Elon's/Baidu's/Nvidia's vision of flying cars and robotaxis as the next person and haven't changed this opinion on the company from April 24's "Tesla Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript (TSLA)":

...In pre-market action the stock is up $17.47 (+12.07%) at $162.15.

Below are the words that are adding billions ($50+) to the company's valuation. 

Personally I think Musk is going to pull it off, but that's just me—perhaps informed by posting on the company and its stock since before the June 2010 share flotation (which, adjusted for the 5:1 and 3:1 stock splits gives a $1.133 IPO price)—however, there are plenty of other opinions to choose from if one doesn't care for that one....

Emphasis added.

However. There is a giant gap on the price chart, July 23 - 24 which exuberant buyers seem bound-and-determined to fill:

Chart Image


~$246 down to ~$225 with today's last trade at $231.62.

This could be setting up to be a "buy on mystery, sell on history" type of thing with the robotaxi unveil in October. 

In the meantime, if one can step back from the minute-to-minute action the stock has been  churning in that $180 to $260 range since July, alternatively wiping out shorts, then longs.

If interested see July 8's "Chartology: Tesla Stock Now Has A Very Wide Range To Churn Through (TSLA)"