Sunday, October 29, 2023

Things I Did Not Know About Twitter

I am not on Twitter, having been counseled that the platform would offer me far too many opportunities to make a damn fool of myself.

I do however keep tabs on it as an opinion/editorial channel and as a crude measure of the zeitgeist. And since Mr. Musk's purchase of Twitter I observed many users state they were leaving Twitter and asked a young lady who knows about such things what was going on.

Apparently there are two memes that are used as explanations: 1) Twitter is not an airport, there is no requirement to announce your departure. and 2) the people who say they are leaving are attention whores trying to convince the world they are important. Interestingly many don't actually leave Twitter or do leave and are back in days/weeks. They just want to bleat: "you're sure going to miss me when I'm gone." The meme attached to this is: "How can we miss you if you won't go away?"

Yesterday she sent me a thread that is a bit less lighthearted:

I still like the "Twitter isn't an airport" line.