Saturday, May 6, 2023

"Travelling Modern Europe with a Victorian Railway Guidebook"

Earlier today we had a post "In 1983, Steve Jobs typed this reply to a letter asking for his autograph." that came to us via Messy Nessy Chic and someone (ahem) forgot to link to MNC,

That's been rectified but here are her last three "13 Things I Found on the Internet Today" posts may be of interest to our readers:


(Vol. DCXLVI), the one that led to Steve Jobs.

(Vol. DCXLV)

And the headline story, from Messy Nessy Chic, April 28:

Are you looking for a way to travel back in time? Well, we haven’t cracked the laws of physics yet, but we have the next best thing – a guidebook from another time. Move over Lonely Planet, Bradshaw’s was one of the original guides that inspired the British to travel the Continent for leisure. 

Bradshaw’s also carries significant cultural clout. In fact, some of the most iconic travellers in literature confided in their trusty copy. Dracula is spotted reading an “English Bradshaw’s Guide” as he prepped for his journey to England in Bram Stoker’s classic, and literature’s most iconic traveller, Phileas Fogg also carries a copy with him in Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days. If it’s good enough for Dracula and Phileas Fogg, it’s good enough for us!....


And speaking of travel, one of the "13 Things..." posts above has a link to:

If the ancient Romans had Google Maps
OmnesViae is a modern route planner based on the roads of the Roman Empire.