I thought this story had crossed the tape a year ago but am not seeing it on the blog. A bit troubling on the memory front.
On the other hand, if I can now see future news, a long cherished dream of knowing how everything turns out may be at hand.
From Reuters, May 19, 2023:
Australia's stock market operator said it will no longer attempt to rebuild its software platform with blockchain-based technology, one of the highest-profile repudiations of the once-feted concept best known for powering cryptocurrency.
ASX Ltd (ASX.AX) frustrated market participants in November by "pausing" a rebuild of its all-in-one trading, settlement and clearing software based on the decentralised computing concept, after an external review found it had to be largely reworked after seven years of development. read more
The company has since said it is considering options for another attempt at the rebuild of the 30-year-old software, but at a meeting with participants this week it said it would not involve blockchain or related "distributed ledger technology" (DLT)....
It appears I may have mistaken the "pause" mentioned in the December "read more" story for a more definitive "nope, not gonna do it, wouldn't be prudent." So much for having the second sight.
Previously:January 2016
Blockchain: "Blythe Masters' Firm Raises Cash, Wins Australian Contract"
August 2018
Blockchain: Blythe Masters Is Alive and Well and Doing Deals With Google and the Australian Stock Exchange
Whether it turns into a business or not is still an open question....
December 2018
Blythe Masters Quits As CEO of Blockchain Co., Digital Asset
May 2019
Germany's Central Bank Smashes Arguments For Currency, Securities Settlement Via Blockchain
May 2019
Blockchain Clearing: So There I Was, Perusing the Latest From Securities Lending Times
From that Blythe is alive and well post:
...we have dozens and dozens
of posts on Blythe, including her role as head of the team that
invented credit default swaps at JP Morgan and then her positions as
JPM's global head of commodities and as head of regulatory affairs.
I'd have bet money she would be Dimon's second-in-command with a real shot at running the monster bank.
In 2013, when Morgan was making noises about getting into crypto this is the picture we used to illustrate her power:
More on the JP Morgan Cryptocurrency (JPM)
We may be closing in on an answer to the question that has been making the rounds: "What is Blythe Masters going to do if JPM sells their commodities business."
This may be a clue.

Instead she's running DAH. I never did figure out why.