Tuesday, May 16, 2023

TeslaQ: It's like Qanon But For Elon Musk Haters

Sometimes you just want to tell those people suffering from Musk Derangement Syndrome:

Dude (for they are mainly dudes), Dude, your Musk obsession has become a fetish. And it's ookey. It's really unhealthy. For your own good, go see a psychiatrist. 

Meanwhile in Elon's world, UPI, May 16:
Space.com, May 14:

And for the folks who spend their time on Twitter ragging-on about Twitter, threatening the big move to another platform, as the philosopher said:

"How can we miss you if you won't go away?"

note to self: is there a bizOp in affinity marketing to the TeslaQ folks?