Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Pope Francis To Young People: Don't Just Google, Seek Real Advice

From India's WION, November 6:

During his visit to Bahrain to serve the Catholic community in Gulf, Pope Francis changed his focus. On Saturday, presiding over Mass, meeting people and giving them fatherly advice, he said, "Don't just Google your questions about life decisions." Instead, ask parents and teachers who can give good advice. 

"Before you go to the internet for advice, always seek out good counsellors in life, wise and reliable people who can guide and help you," he advised....


Also from Il Papa:

"Media That Focus on Scandals and Spread Fake News to Smear Politicians Risk Becoming Like People Who Have a Morbid Fascination with Excrement"--Pope Francis

Is A Co-Branded Card In The Works? Vatican Joins With Visa, Allianz, Bank of America, MasterCard, Lynn F. de Rothschild et al In Capitalism Effort

"Pope says credit default swaps are unethical"