Friday, November 4, 2022

Fed Balance Sheet: That Giant Sucking Sound Is Liquidity Being Withdrawn

First up, the latest H.4.1 report with the two (huge) QT line items highlighted, November 3, 2022:

1. Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions

Millions of dollars

Reserve Bank credit, related items, and
reserve balances of depository institutions at
Federal Reserve Banks

Averages of daily figures

Nov 2, 2022

Week ended
Nov 2, 2022

Change from week ended

Oct 26, 2022

Nov 3, 2021

Reserve Bank credit


-   39,399

+  131,187


Securities held outright1


-   27,211

+  216,660


U.S. Treasury securities


-   16,398

+   65,960




-    2,935

-   29,985


Notes and bonds, nominal2


-   13,442

+   57,470


Notes and bonds, inflation-indexed2



+    4,633


Inflation compensation3


-       21

+   33,841


Federal agency debt securities2





Mortgage-backed securities4


-   10,813

+  150,700



This is the second consecutive week we've seen decreases in both the MBS and treasury portfolios, the second consecutive week of $20 billion reductions and the first week the reductions in the two portfolios exceeded the idealized targets of $60 billion/month, $14 billion/week for treasuries and $35 billion/month, $7.7 billion/week for MBS's.

From the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' FRED Database, the total assets on the balance sheet, including interest due the Fed, gold, Ccentral bank swaps etc.:

The total balance sheet (mouseover interactive) is down $67.05 billion over the last two reports. This is what we were warning about, that after an extremely slow start since QT began on June 1, market participants risked being lulled and being caught unprepared should the Fed pick up the pace of the reductions:

October 24: This Could Be Dangerous For Your Portfolios: The Quantitative Tightening That Wasn't

October 28: The Fed's Balance Sheet: "Don't look now but there's something funny going on over there at the bank George...."