Friday, August 5, 2022

""Widespread Civil Unrest" Looming In UK Over Cost-Of-Living Crisis"

Uh oh. I have a bad feeling that we are going to see Izabella Kaminska transform from reporting on the unrest, losing her trademark objectivity, and going all "Aux barricades!". 
Izzy, remember to bring some water for when the tear gas flies, it's not the most effective eyewash but helps a bit.  Also, if interested, take a look at "Protest In Hong Kong: The Technology" for some other tips e.g.

Well, in the early days, last spring it was confirmed that short wave radio was an effective form of communication. More on comms further down.

It was shown that lasers have some efficacy when used against facial recognition cameras, either pointed directly at the camera or under the chin to make spooky campfire faces...

And via ZeroHedge: 

The chance of “widespread civil unrest” occurring in the UK as a result of people being unable to afford to pay their bills due to the cost of living crisis is “inevitable,” according to one campaigner.

With energy prices set to soar even higher in October as a result of the sanctions on Russia, many Brits have resolved to refuse to pay their bills as part of a growing backlash some are comparing to the poll tax riots.

London was hit with violent riots back in 1990 in response to the government’s efforts to introduce the poll tax, and the new levy was eventually scrapped after a coalition of interest groups amongst both the working class and the middle class combined to defeat it.

A similar movement under the umbrella of the Don’t Pay organization is now urging people to cancel their direct debits in October if energy prices continue to rise.

Average energy bills in the UK for dual fuel are expected to rise to £3,615 by January 2023, an increase of 283 per cent on March levels....