Thursday, August 4, 2022

Three Provincial Premiers Reject Canadian Central Government Nitrogen Decrees

These aren't just any provinces. I mean New Brunswick is nice, and huge shout-out to Gander, Newfoundland but the three provinces in the headline are the breadbasket of Canada and a world-class agricultural resource.

The Premiers of Saskatchewan:

And Alberta:

And Manitoba:

As noted in the outro from yesterday's Nitrogen: "Was the Colosseum Paid for with Pee?":

That's it for Messy Nessy for this week. I had been feeling as though I was depriving our readers of that cyber cabinet of curiosities but it's August in Paris and posting will be light.

We on the other hand, despite a few hundred posts on the topic, have barely scratched the surface in our review of nitrogen: Money, Power, Glory, Guano! 

There is a concerted effort to decrease meat consumption, with or without the concurrence of the citoyens, and the focus recently has been on what makes protein, protein, nitrogen. From the decrees in Canada and The Netherlands to article's such as this in Scientific American, July 27: "Nitrogen Emissions: "Eating Too Much Protein Makes Pee a Problem Pollutant in the U.S.""

The biggest problem with moving too fast on this stuff:
Three Billion People Eat Food Grown With Natural Gas Derived Nitrogen Fertilizer

It would be best if we had an alternative in place before going all command-and-control and recreating in food what is being done in energy.