Friday, July 15, 2022

Where In The World Is Izabella Kaminska?

There was a sighting at UnHerd on July 13: 

Brace for winter lockdowns
Covid may not be the only justification for more restrictions

Many of those who opposed lockdowns for the pandemic, predicted that the policy — if normalised — could one day be taken advantage of by opportunistic political forces to deal with almost any crisis. It was, as Lord Sumption once suggested, a potential pathway to authoritarianism. “If we confer despotic powers on government to deal with perils, which are an ordinary feature of human existence, we will end up doing it most or all of the time,” he wrote in November 2021.

Well, we are now facing just such a crisis. And there is a not insignificant chance that lockdowns might be revived, not just as a knee-jerk reaction to cope with a prevailing health crisis, but also, troublingly, an economic one.....


Additionally, a stakeout at The Blind Spot has proven to be both rewarding and remunerative.