Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Do Not Involve Yourself In Internal Ukrainian Politics - You Really, Really Shouldn't

Simple question, former Prime Minister, Vice-PM with the energy portfolio, simple question: good person?

Here she is saying that Ukraine's gas giant Naftogaz (currently bankrupt) has been embezzling billions:

[don't know who Skorobutov is, looking at his timeline he seems a bit whack but he had the video]

Coincidentally that $8 billion figure is roughly the same as the amount of LNG that President Zelensky just requested the U.S. send him, with payment deferred for two years.

And two years is coincidentally the period of forbearance that was just rejected by the Naftogaz creditor committee.

And in the meantime partisans of all stripes are threatening each other on Telegram or Twitter or in real life.

And where the hell is Kolomoisky? The U.S. Department of Justice has suspended prosecution of the case against him.

Okay, let's begin at the beginning: