Monday, July 4, 2022

"Mining Industry Warns Energy Transition Isn’t Sustainable"

 In the introduction to last week's "Stellantis warns of car market collapse if EVs don't get cheaper" I missed a trick:

All is proceeding according to plan. You will own nothing and be happy.

In other words: "Hop on the bus, Gus," "Make a new plan, Stan...."(apologies to Paul Simon)

I should have added "Drop off the key, Lee".

Because if things continue on the current path, forcing internal combustion engines out of the market with nothing to supplant them. private transportation will only be available to the extremely wealthy and/or politically connected.*

From OilPrice, July 3:

  • There is a glaring problem in the energy transition that not many people are acknowledging. 
  • It is being built on the back of finite resources, and the mining industry is already warning that there aren’t enough metals for all the batteries the transition will require.
  • Because of the short supply, prices are on the rise, as are prices across commodity sectors.

The energy transition has been set by politicians as the only way forward for human civilization. Not every country on the planet is on board with it, but those that are have the loudest voices. And even amid the fossil fuel crunch that is beginning to cripple economies, the transition remains a goal. It is no secret that the transition—at the scale its architects and most fervent proponents envisage it—would require massive amounts of metals and minerals. What does not get talked about so much is that most of these metals and minerals are already in short supply. And this is only the start of the transition problems.

Mining industry executives have been warning that there is not enough copper, lithium, cobalt, or nickel for all the EV batteries that the transition would require. And they have not been the only ones, either. Even so, the European Union just this month went ahead and effectively banned the sales of cars with internal combustion engines from 2035....

*But maybe it's just me.

"The problem is all inside your head"
She said to me
"The answer is easy if you
Take it logically"