Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Did the Bank of England ever return the gold they took from Venezuela?

Before the seizure of Russian - and Russian citizen's - assets, before the Canadian government began freezing citizen's bank accounts sans any type of judicial review ("It's an emergency" honk, honk) before GoFundMe stole the $10 million donated to the Canadian truckers - a decision since reversed after people started disputing the charge on their credit cards, something that was going to cost GFM $15 per disputed charge - before all that, the Bank of England took Venezuela's gold.

And now that the Biden administration is treating with Maduro the gold-grabbing might be important and as far as I can tell the BofE never gave back the gold they took.

Via Yahoo News:

President Biden cozying up to Venezuela over Russia oil embargo is disgusting

Anyone repulsed over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine must be equally disgusted with President Biden cozying up to Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro for oil.

Maduro, just like his friend and ally Vladimir Putin, is a brutal dictator who kills and jails political dissidents, crushes protests and starves his population just to stay in power.

Venezuela, which faces U.S. sanctions, supplies its blood tainted oil to Russia. But now apparently the U.S. government is willing to turn a blind eye to Maduro’s brutality against his people in exchange for the chance to buy his oil.

We must not let Biden trade one dictator for another – even if that means paying more at the gas pump....


The Bank of England wouldn't have loaned Venezuela's gold to the LBMA to cover a...ahhh...shortfall, would they? 

If interested see also: