Thursday, April 9, 2020

"Shkreli’s plea from prison: Free me and I’ll cure COVID-19"

From Ars Technica, April 7:

He just needs a 3-month hiatus to get this pesky pandemic taken care of.
Who can save us from disease and despair in these harrowing times? Why, none other than Martin Shkreli, of course.

Yes, the widely despised ex-pharmaceutical executive currently serving a seven-year federal prison term for fraud is, in fact, humanity’s One True Savior... if only we’d let him out of jail for a few months.

In a brief document posted online this week, Shkreli and a small band of associates lay out scientific plans to develop a cure for COVID-19.

Numerous other drug developers—ones who are not in the slammer—are also working on treatments and vaccines to fight COVID-19. But those response efforts are “inadequate,” Shkreli argues. And he alone is qualified to get the job done right.

“I am one of the few executives experienced in ALL aspects of drug development from molecule creation and hypothesis generation, to preclinical assessments and clinical trial design/target engagement demonstration, and manufacturing/synthesis and global logistics and deployment of medicines,” he writes in a note at the end of the document....