Monday, March 9, 2020

Meanwhile in London Izabella Kaminska Looks On the Bright Side With Zoltan Pozar

I just got to FT Alphaville's experimental Markets Live and, uh, Yikes!
FTAV Markets Live
Worth reminding people about some points from Zoltan Pozsar’s latest note on the funding repercussions.
120 views Izabella Kaminska, 01:59

FTAV Markets Live
The first impact is positive
120 views Izabella Kaminska, 01:59

And that's the good news.
Earlier in the Telegram feed:
FTAV Markets Live
We are just noting on the team chat that the index numbers are really unreliable
119 views01:49

FTAV Markets Live
Possibly because there is no bid
And much, much, much MORE