Monday, March 9, 2020

As the White House and Congress Contemplate Paid Sick Leave, Here's How Econ Commenters Thought About Inducing a Fever

From Business Insider:
Congress eyes tax relief and paid sick leave for Americans as coronavirus hits US economy 
  • Congressional leaders are looking into emergency measures to blunt the economic pain of the coronavirus.
  • Current proposals range from tax deferments to the expansion of paid sick leave.
  • The proposals have become the latest sign of growing concern in Washington as the respiratory illness COVID-19 spreads.
Congressional leaders are looking into emergency measures to blunt the economic pain of the coronavirus, with proposals ranging from tax deferments to the expansion of paid sick leave.

Michael Zona, a spokesperson for the Senate Finance Committee, said Monday afternoon that its Republican chairman "is exploring the possibility of targeted tax-relief measures that could provide a timely and effective response to the coronavirus."

"Several options within the committee's jurisdiction are being considered as we learn more about the effects on specific industries and the overall economy," Zona said in an email to Business Insider....

 And as relayed a couple weeks ago:

County In China Will Pay People To Check Into Hospital, Econ Commenters Immediately Want To Game the System 
From Marginal Revolution:...
Is there any way to raise your body temperature temporarily without actually being sick? I'm asking for a friend.
Of course. The easiest is simply do some physical exercise. A sauna will definitely work too, though one assumes that is uncommon in China.

2,4-Dinitrophenol is a simple molecule that shorts out the proton gradient that mitochondria use to make ATP for cellular energy. Use a little and your body compensates by ramping up metabolism, giving you a fever and leading to weight loss. Use a little more and you die.
The standard research technique is injection of lipopolysaccharide. You can buy it easily from a lot of lab suppliers.
Prostaglandin E2 is the final inducer of pyrogenesis; we use it for a variety of OB indications and you can buy the drug for not that much.

The common factitious method patients use is to inject contaminated material into the blood stream. Basically anything with bacteria will work if you inject enough of it. Common ones I have seen include feces, bacterial culture, and cutaneous wound material.
Any of these will produce true fevers and can be done for something under $50. LPS is least likely to kill you.

If you want a really nasty "fever" on the cheap you can always dose yourself with 2,4 Dinitrophenol which would be a bear to dose (highly toxic, low therapeutic window), but remarkedly cheap per dose. However, going just a tiny bit high on your dosing will likely be fatal; accidental exposures have hit 109.

Frankly I doubt all that many people will take up the offer. Most likely getting on that list would come with significant risks of its own. I would be more worried about people with actual fevers thinking that we want to do something nefarious and we are paying money to so they should, run, run away.

When Sure gets one in his wheelhouse he usually knocks 'em out. +5 i.p.