Wednesday, February 13, 2019

"Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Escape From Killer Bees"

From QuirkBooks:
When a truck carrying up to 20 million bees (?!?!) overturned in Delaware last month, the news was all abuzz (sorry, I had to) and this week, a swarm of the buzzing pests had to be removed from the lanes of the Pennsylvania turnpike so drivers could pass through sting-free. Who knows where they will turn up next?

It sounds like a bad horror movie, but you can be prepared with the help of The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook’ guide on How to Escape From Killer Bees.

1. If bees begin flying around and/or stinging you, do not freeze.
Run away; swatting at the bees only makes them angrier.

2. Get indoors as fast as you can.

3. If no shelter is available, run through bushes or high weeds.
This will help give you cover.

4. If a bee stings you, it will leave its stinger in your skin.
Remove the stinger by raking your fingernail across it in a sideways motion. Do not pinch or pull the stinger out—this may squeeze more venom from the stinger into your body. Do not let stingers remain in the skin, because venom can continue to pump into the body for up to ten minutes.

5. Do not jump into a swimming pool or other body of water—the bees are likely to be waiting for you when you surface.....

They wait for you to surface?