Wednesday, September 5, 2018

"French Navy ready to act if Scallop War clashes erupt again"

From Reuters, Sept 4:
The French Navy is ready to intervene if clashes between French and British fishermen over access to scallop-rich seabeds erupt again on the open seas, Agriculture Minister Stephane Travert said on Tuesday.

Travert said he had spoken to his British counterpart and that talks between the two sides were due on Wednesday after French vessels chased their rivals out of the Baie de Seine last week.

British fishermen accused the French of ramming their vessels and hurling projectiles. Disgruntled French fishermen, unhappy that their British rivals can dredge for scallops year round while they are barred from doing so during summer months, said they came under a violent counter-attack.

“We can’t keep going on like this, we can’t keep having skirmishes like that,” Travert said in an interview on CNews. “The French Navy is ready to step in if more clashes break out, as well as carrying out checks.”...

The British don't want to get into it too deep lest Admiral Macron unleash some real shells rather than the Saint Jacques variety.