Sunday, October 2, 2016

"The great global avocado trade flow chart"

This is from a few days ago. At first something didn't seem right about the graphic so we set it aside.
From Quartz:
Avocado prices are on the rise. An increase in US demand and weak production in Mexico and California has left the Americas in short supply of the fruit, with chefs seeking alternatives like sweet potato.

On the other side of the world, Australia and New Zealand recently had the same problem. Avocado theft rose in New Zealand along with prices earlier this year. There were nearly 40 large-scale avocado thefts from growers on the north island of New Zealand in the first half of the year, according to The Guardian.

The avocado trade is intensely concentrated in Mexico. Half of the world’s exports originate there....

Correction: An earlier version of this item incorrectly described all the avocados exported by the Netherlands as having been grown there.