Thursday, August 8, 2013

"Coffee and Suicide"

We don't mean trading it from the long side or lamenting having to procure your stash at retail:

With Commodity Coffee Down 55% Why Isn't Your Iced Half-Caf, Quad, Grande, Soy, Starbucks Doubleshot™ on Ice Any Cheaper? (SBUX)

But rather, this.
From Freakonomics:
According to a study performed by the Harvard School of Public Health and published this month in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, people who drink two to four cups of java each day are less likely to commit suicide than those who don’t drink coffee, drink decaf, or drink fewer than two cups each day. The study followed over 200,000 people for at least 16 years. And it’s not just a weak link: the researchers found that the suicide risk was cut by around 50 percent for caffeine fiends....MORE