Saturday, September 28, 2024

"Advanced AI system is already ‘self-aware’ — ASI Alliance founder"

As we (and many others) have been saying for a while now, chatbots are not where the smarty-pants of artificial intelligence are going. Far from it.*

From CoinTelegraph, September 26:

SingularityNET founder Ben Goertzel’s AGI project is an “autonomous, self-aware agent” and not just another a chatbot. 

ASI Alliance founder Ben Goertzel says the alpha version of OpenCog Hyperon — the artificial general intelligence system he’s been developing for more than two decades — is already “self-aware” to a certain extent.

Goertzel also tells Magazine he believes OpenAI likely shied away from making its “very impressive” new o1 model an autonomous agent for fear that it would be seen as “risky and dangerous” and provoke a crackdown from regulators.

The Artificial Superintelligence Alliance was formed in March this year, bringing together Goertzel’s SingularityNET project, Ocean Protocol and DeepMind veteran Humayun Sheikh’s FetchAI.

This week, 96% of CUDOS voters approved the decentralized cloud hardware network’s merger with ASI. The merger will boost the compute available for Goertzel’s plans to scale up OpenCog Hyperon, the AGI system he’s been working on since 2001 and launched as an open-source AI framework in 2008. 

OpenCog Hyperon and the future of artificial general intelligence

Three years ago, the project embarked on a total rebuild of OpenCog in “pursuit of massive scalability, and we’re a large way through that process,” he says. The Alpha launched in April, and while he says it’s currently very slow and “breaking changes” are expected, the team is working on “massively speeding it up. I think that should be completed this fall. And so then, which means next year, we’ll be setting about trying to build toward AGI on the new Hyperloop infrastructure.”

Goertzel says the system takes a different approach to large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 and o1.

“A Hyperon system is not just a chatbot. It’s architected as a sort of autonomous agent which has its own goals and its own self awareness and tries to know who it is and who you are, what it’s trying to accomplish in the given situation. So it’s very much an autonomous, self-aware agent rather than just a question-answering system.”

AGI systems need self-awareness for autonomy

Hold on, Goertzel’s saying the current model is self aware?

What I mean by self-aware is that from the get-go, even the current versions, I mean, it has a model of who it is. It has a model of who you are. It has certain goals it’s trying to achieve in the situation. It knows how it relates to that situation and what it’s trying to do. And a ChatGPT sort of system isn’t really doing that right.”

The system combines a logical reasoning engine, evolutionary program learning and deep neural nets implemented in a dynamic knowledge graph that revises and modifies itself. (GPT-4 explains what that means below).

Incidentally, Goertzel says the lack of a world model explains why none of the autonomous AI agents built so far have really worked. You can’t just take a “question-answering system” and tell it “you are an agent interacting with the world.”


GPT-4 explains what that all means (OpenAI)

OpenAI’s o1 and regulatory risk
For all the hype around autonomous agent-like behavior with OpenAI and “Strawberry,” Goertzel believes OpenAI deliberately avoided taking that path with the released o1 model....

*Most recently:

AI: Chatbots Are Sooo 2023; Here Comes Interactive AI

"ChatBots Are Not The Be-All And End-All Of Artificial Intelligence":

Far from it.
And all the focus on ChatBots and LLMs are more than just a distraction, they are a perverse representation of what AI is doing and will do and could potentially cost you money or opportunity or both....

ChatBots Are For Children: "What’s Ahead for OpenAI? Project Strawberry, Orion, and GPT Next"

"First impressions of ChatGPT o1: An AI designed to overthink it"

CoinTelegraph has developed am artisanal, homebrew AI specialty. Here's one of our previous visits:

AI Use Case: Biological Immortality By 2030
This would be a pretty good answer to the question "What is the use case for AI?"

But I don't buy it. AI will be like the nanotech revolution that never was, never that is, in the sense of a nanotech industry. Instead, as with nanotech, AI will be embedded in the processes and protocols of every facet of human existence and we won't even notice it.