Friday, September 27, 2024

'Puters: "India flips the switch on three homebrew supercomputers"

With more to come.

From The Register, September 27:

Rudra machines use local designs for server, interconnect, and cooling – but seemingly not a planned 96-core Arm CPU 

Indian prime minister Narendra Modi yesterday dedicated three new supercomputers, and made the machines a symbol of his economic, social, and industry policies.

Those emphases mean Modi didn't detail the tech specs of the three "PARAM Rudra" machines – but the orgs that will run them have revealed some info.

India's National Centre for Radio Astrophysics has revealed that its machine features "several thousands of Intel CPUs and 90 state-of-the-art Nvidia A100 GPUs, 35 terabytes of memory, and two petabytes of storage."

The A100 is not state of the art – Nvidia's current champ is the H100 and the H200 will arrive any week now.

The S.N. Bose Centre for Basic Sciences mentioned an 838 TFLOPS system in a social media post about the PM's launch.

The Inter-University Accelerator Centre appears not to have disclosed the disposition of its machine, but has previously teased a three-petaflop machine built on Intel Xeon 2nd Gen scalable processors with up to 24 cores each, packing four petabytes of storage capacity and hooked up to a 240Gbit/sec interconnect.

That spec sheet is notable because it matches info in published documents [PDF] that describe [PDF] the spec for India's first-gen Rudra-class machines as employing...