Monday, April 15, 2024

"The latest venture from the Duchess of Montecito? Sussex Goop"

Here's hoping she doesn't do the candles.

From The Free Press, March 20:

What Is American Riviera Orchard?
The latest venture from the Duchess of Montecito? Sussex Goop.

Recently, while the entire world was wondering, “Where the hell is Kate Middleton?,” her sister-in-law Meghan Markle took to Instagram to remind us all where she still is: in the business of selling herself.

The self-exiled princess’s new initiative is called American Riviera Orchard, which sounds like an address given by an immigrant to a taxi driver, asking to be taken to paradise. It isn’t memorable—it’s a word salad—but it has that fragile quality of yearning, like “Over the Rainbow” or “Is it benign, doctor?” Trademark applications reveal that American Riviera Orchard plans to sell home goods like linens, cookbooks, and fruit preserves. But as with anything royal, there’s a deeper message....


Please, do not do the candles.