Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Questions America Wants Answered: "What if the Secret to Preventing Several Common Diseases Is Hiding in Our Babies’ Poop?"

That's Mother Jones with the query du jour:

There’s one big problem, though: The bacteria has largely disappeared in American babies.
The labs of Evolve BioSystems are full of baby poop. Tucked into a shopping mall in Davis, California, alongside a Jazzercise and a marijuana dispensary, this biotech company has gathered infants’ feces from all over the country. “Millions of people every day are throwing away poopy diapers, and they don’t realize how much information is actually contained in each poop,” says Robin Flannery, Evolve’s director of clinical development and operations. “It tells us a lot about what’s going on inside the baby.”

Specifically, Evolve is interested in one potentially very powerful type of bacteria found in babies’ intestines: B. infantis. Its researchers, including several scientists at University of California, Davis, think the bacterium flourished in babies’ bellies for thousands of years. But today, the company’s research shows, in about 9 out of 10 American babies, B. infantis has disappeared. Without it, they say, kids are missing out on a host of health benefits....
“Let’s take a look at your baby’s
 poop and then we’ll decide how 
healthy they are on the inside.”

Previously in munchkin doo:
MIT: "An Economist’s Guide to Potty Training"