Sunday, April 26, 2020

Covid-19: Meanwhile In Russia, Defenestratsiya

Thanks to a friend.
Our last post on gravity in Russia was ""Magnitsky Family Lawyer Thrown off Top Floor Apartment in Moscow, Now in Critical Condition""

And lest the reader think I'm going soft on Browder by pointing out the wrong done to the Magnitsky family advocate (he survived but has amnesia), Browder is as filthy as anyone who was operating in Russia at that time and despite proclaiming himself Putin's "number one enemy" the fact he is still alive puts that boast to rest.

If the FBI hadn't declared conspiracy theories to be a terrorism threat, the story of Browder and Robert Maxwell (father of Ghislaine of Epstein infamy) and Edmond Safra and his death in Monaco, along with the recent revelations recounted in "Bill Browder Files Complaint With German Press Council Over Der Spiegel Magnitsky Story", if it weren't for that FBI designation, hoo-wee, the tidbits that would come out.....ummm, excuse me. Where was I?

Gravity. That's it. And the danger of windows.
Must be careful around windows.