Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Internet Has Blown the Lid Off This Dan McCrum Guy

There has always been something vaguely sinister about McCrum and his plans for world domination.
We touched on some of this in 2018's "There Has Obviously Been A Coup d'Etat at FT Alphaville (TSLA)":
...There are however two loose strands in this otherwise simple and straightforward recitation:

1) Mr. McCrum has been, how do you say in English, dubious of Elon Musk and Elon's promises and projections, yet in the video above he appears to show empathy for the billionaire.

Dan, if you are being held against your will or are being coerced into making this video, blink twice....
It's obvious that McCrum, if that's even his real name—cough-Blofeld-cough—had covered his Tesla short and was now ready to pump before the next dump and/or was applying for a P.R. job at the house that Musk built.

Today we see the early work product of the small army of internet sleuths who have toiled to bring to light The McCrum Machinations®:
Note especially the use of the puking emoji, used only by the most experienced investigators.

As can be seen, there is so much more to this story that the Financial Times conveniently skips over.
And considering the regulator's ban on short selling Wirecard has expired we can expect more stories on both the positives and negatives as McCrum pumps-n-dumps-n-pumps-n-dumps-n-pumps and perhaps offers to come work for Wirecard.

Here's BaFIN:
Wire­card AG: Gen­er­al Ad­min­is­tra­tive Act pro­hibit­ing the es­tab­lish­ment of net short po­si­tions and in­creas­es in ex­ist­ing net short po­si­tions has ex­pired
The General Administrative Act issued by BaFin was in force until 18 April 2019, 12.00 midnight CET. The Act has now expired.