"Mathematicians are close to figuring out how to make the perfect cup of black coffee"
From Quartz:
A simple cup of black filter coffee—that
ubiquitous fuel of labor forces across the globe—is composed of more
than 1,800 chemical components. And now scientists think they can rein
in those components to create the perfect cup.
In a study published in the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
(pdf), boiling down the best-tasting cup of joe may have everything to
do with how coffee goes through drip filter machines. That meant
analyzing the size of coffee grains, and what water can extract from
those different-sized grains. “Extraction of coffee solubles from roast
and ground coffee is a highly complex process, depending on a large
number of brewing parameters,” the scientists wrote.
The key is that in cases where grains are too
fine, coffee can often be more bitter to the taste, meanwhile coffee not
ground enough can wind up too watery. Among some of the variables they
looked at were intragranular porosity, intergranular porosity, coffee
solid density, the grain diffusion fitting coefficient, and the surface
dissolution fitting coefficient. This is what some of the math looks
that they understand the variables, they think they’re closer to
getting to the perfect brew. ...MORE