Thursday, April 3, 2008

Energy Performance of Existing Housing

This gives me an opening to raise one of the arguments against my preferred approach to putting a price on carbon, Cap-and-Rebate.
I've never seen this point in print. At a legislative hearing on regional cap-and-trade, one of the witnesses asked where the incentive was for inner-city homeowners to take on the cost of increasing the energy efficiency of older housing stock if they were shielded from higher costs by a rebate plan.
Good question. I don't have an answer.
Here's a short post from

A report by a UK Parliamentary Committee on Communities and Local Government criticises the UK Government’s concentration on improving the energy performance new homes and paying too little attention to existing housing stock.

The report highlights the energy deficiencies of existing stock, which, on average, emit twice as much carbon per home as one constructed to present standards, and calls for more concerted action. The report makes 34 detailed recommendations....More