Although the A.I. biz is not yet incestuous it does have a bit of an ouroboros vibe to it.
From, November 3:
Nvidia is in discussions to invest in Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence (AI) startup, according to published reports.
Musk’s AI firm xAI is hoping to raise several billion dollars, valuing the company at around $40 billion, the New York Post reported Friday (Nov. 1).
A separate report by The Information says Musk had been in discussions with tech companies and venture firms such as Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz and Vy Capital.
Musk is expecting in January to hold a major funding round that could value xAI at as high as $75 billion, two sources told the Post.
And an analyst for Nvidia, speaking with the newspaper on the condition of anonymity, said that xAI’s rivals would still buy chips from Nvidia even if it invests in Musk’s company.
“If not, this transaction would never go forward,” the analyst said....
Or maybe, as noted in October 12's "Materials Science: Using AI To Find New Chip-
And then, be still my heart, will the chips learn to train the next generation?
Getting a bit of a double ouroboros vibe here:
Here at Ouroboros Group we believe a self-referential vortex of strange loops is the key to exceptional market depravity and thus dream demon returns at rates essentially double those of typical simple ouroboros techniques and paradigms.

—from 2018's Unicorns Backing Their Own VCs? Welcome to Peak Tech
More on cousin marriage in September 5's "ChatBots Are Not The Be-All And End-All Of Artificial Intelligence".