Thursday, July 25, 2024

"Britain’s Crown Estate Post Record Profits on Offshore Wind Licenses"

 From Reuters via gCaptain, July 24:

Britain’s Crown Estate, which manages King Charles’ public property, posted a record profit for 2023/24 of 1.1 billion pounds ($1.42 billion), boosted by income from offshore wind leases, its results showed on Wednesday.

The Crown Estate, which comprises tracts of land and most of Britain’s sea bed, is an independently run, commercial business, whose profits go to the Treasury.

They are also used as the benchmark for the level of public funding for the Royal Family.

Crown Estate’s net revenue profit reached 1.1 billion pounds for April 2023-March 31 2024, up from 442.6 million pounds for the same period in 2022/23 as it generated bumper revenue from an offshore wind farm lease tender held in 2021 called round 4....


Related, August 2023:
How King Charles III Came To Own The Seabed
Slippery headline. He doesn't really own the primordial goo, just a cut of whatever income it can throw off. 

That piece has links to posts going back to 2008 including one with this bit of doggerel from 2011:

...THE stately Turbines of England,
   How beautiful they stand!
Amidst their tall ancestral trees,
   O'er all the pleasant land.
The deer across their greensward bound
   Thro' shade and sunny gleam,
And the swan glides past them with the sound
   Of some rejoicing stream. 
(of revenue)
-Felicia Browne Hemans (updated)