Sunday, July 28, 2024

"Biden camp suggests president quickly endorsed Kamala Harris to defy Barack Obama"

From the New York Post, July 26:

There’s buzz swirling within the Biden camp that the president’s swift endorsement of Kamala Harris was his revenge on prominent party leaders — including Barack Obama — who pressured him to bow out of the race against his will, sources told The Post.

Joe Biden, who said he was dropping out “in defense of democracy” during his public address Wednesday, had been told by Obama to allow delegates at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago to decide a new candidate, a source close to the Biden family claimed.

“It was Joe’s big f–k you,” the source said. “Joe said, ‘If I’m out, then I am endorsing her.'”

Talk among insiders is that Biden saw this as a final way to assert some control over his ouster.

A well-placed Democratic Party source said they have heard the same, telling The Post that Obama, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York Senator Chuck Schumer wanted to hold “a mini primary” which Obama believed Harris would not win.

Multiple sources told The Post that Obama had wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” at the convention....


For readers not versed in the Obama/Clinton/Biden factionalism it was Hillary supporters who were the original birthers, as she was flailing against Senator Obama in the 2008 campaign for the Democratic nomination. There was also the whole "racial tension" thing.

As President, Obama offered the olive branch of the office of Secretary of State to Mrs. Clinton but there is no love lost between the two families,

We noted in July 24's "U.S. Politics: Who Is Pushing For Arizona Senator Mark Kelly To Be Veep Or Even Prez?":

And ominously for Vice President Harris Kelly is rumored to be the Chicago crowd's preferred candidate for President. For what it's worth, former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder is in charge of vetting the potential Veep candidates while his former boss has not endorsed Harris and instead has called for an open convention.

Additionally, here's the Arizona Repuplic headline from July 8:

Biden said ‘challenge me.’ At the DNC, Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly should

If all these, admittedly ephemeral, points do indeed mean the Senator is being maneuvered into position, here's hoping for V.P. Harris' continued good health. The Chicago crowd can play rough.

Related July 22:
Your Quick 'Intentions of the Democratic Party' Cheat Sheet

If the powers-that-be, fronted by Barack Obama and James Clyburn representing the genteel wing of the Chicago mob, the Pritzkers and Crowns, put Michelle Obama forward as the party's nominee you'll know they are in it to win it.If not, whoever the party puts forward will be a stalking horse for 2028 and we will know a longer term plan is in play....

The Pritzkers and Crowns as much as Obama himself put Barack in the U.S. Senate in 2004 and then in the White House in 2008.

If interested see also: