Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The CDC On Anthrax As A Bioweapon (fortunately there's a vaccine for that)

This is a possible trade but more probably just a big nothingburger. The below was brought to mind by a report from Statehouse News Bureau, October 23:

Statewide simulation prepares Ohio agencies for possible anthrax attack

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

The Threat of an Anthrax Attack

We do not know if or when another anthrax attack might occur. However, federal agencies have worked for years with health departments across the country to plan and prepare for an anthrax attack. If such an emergency were to occur in the United States, CDC and other federal agencies would work closely with local and state partners to coordinate a response.

Anthrax as a weapon
If a bioterrorist attack were to happen, Bacillus anthracis, the bacteria that causes anthrax, would be one of the biological agents most likely to be used. Biological agents are germs that can sicken or kill people, livestock, or crops. Anthrax is one of the most likely agents to be used because:
  • Anthrax spores are easily found in nature, can be produced in a lab, and can last for a long time in the environment.
  • Anthrax makes a good weapon because it can be released quietly and without anyone knowing. The microscopic spores could be put into powders, sprays, food, and water. Because they are so small, you may not be able to see, smell, or taste them.
  • Anthrax has been used as a weapon before.
Anthrax has been used as a weapon around the world for nearly a century. In 2001, powdered anthrax spores were deliberately put into letters that were mailed through the U.S. postal system. Twenty-two people, including 12 mail handlers, got anthrax, and five of these 22 people died. 

Possible signs of an anthrax attack....

From Reuters, July 20:

US FDA approves Emergent BioSolutions' anthrax vaccine (EBS: NYSE)

Some forms of the front line antibiotic, Ciprofloxacin, are in shortage in the U.S. and Canada right now but other forms seem to have decent supply.

The only real risk would be if the anthrax fell into the hands of the same people who planted the January 5/6 pipe bombs in D.C.

The FBI, ATF, Metropolitan D.C. police, Capitol police, Dept. of Homeland Security et al seem to be having a devil of a time identifying, much less capturing, the perpetrator.