Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Just How Scary Was That Chinese Biolab In Reedly California?

It is time to fire everyone at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Actually, the time was around May 2020 when it became apparent that the CDC had completely failed in the task the 11,000 employees had supposedly been preparing for for 75 freakin' years. Or maybe it would be better to take a page from Voltaire and randomly fire half of them:

"Dans ce pays-ci, il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres"
—Voltaire in Candide on the execution of British Admiral John Byng (on trumped-up charges)

"...in this country it is found good, from time to time, to kill one Admiral to encourage the others."

From Legal Insurrection, November 19, a truly scary story:

FBI and CDC Slammed for “Dropping the Ball” on Illegal California Biolab Run by Chinese
The lab was run by a Chinese man, Jesse Zhu, and was paid millions of dollars by China while experiments were being conducted at the Reedley facility.

Legal Insurrection readers may recall that this summer, I reported on a warehouse in Reedley, California had been the site of a massive remediation project and investigation after it was discovered to be an illegal, unlicensed laboratory full of lab mice, infectious agent samples, medical waste, and hazardous materials.

There were over 20 different infectious agents that this company was working with, ostensibly for the development of diagnostic kits. The pathogens included herpes, HIV, chlamydia, coronavirus, and hepatitis.

When that report was given, there were limited details on the entire suite of pathogens, and just how connected that laboratory was to China. The House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party did its own investigation.

The 40-page report was a chilling account on the revealing serious gaps in monitoring the nature and safety of biological research, which is a serious threat to both national and global security. The Select Committee investigation also concluded the lab had very close ties to China.

The lab contained deadlier pathogens (e.g., Ebola) than the original press accounts suggested.  The lab was run by a Chinese man named Jesse Zhu, and was paid millions of dollars by the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) while experiments were being conducted at the Reedley facility

  • The illegal biolab was run by a PRC citizen who is a wanted fugitive from Canada with a $330 million Canadian dollar judgment against him for stealing American intellectual property.
  • This PRC citizen was a top official at a PRC-state-controlled company and had links to military-civil fusion entities.
  • The illegal biolab received millions of dollars in unexplained payments from PRC banks while running the illegal biolab.
  • The illegal biolab contained thousands of samples of labeled, unlabeled, and encoded potential pathogens, including HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and Covid.
  • The illegal biolab also contained a freezer labeled “Ebola,” which contained unlabeled, sealed silver bags consistent with how the lab stored high risk biological materials. Ebola is a Select Agent with a lethality rate between 25-90%.
  • The biolab contained nearly a thousand transgenic mice, genetically engineered to mimic the human immune system. Lab workers said that the mice were designed “to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus.”
  • After local officials who discovered the lab sought help from the CDC and others, the CDC refused to test any of the samples.....



Back to the CDC and Covid-19. Where was the plan to deal with a respiratory disease spread by a areosolized virus? I mean they had a plan, right?

Previously, September 2021: It's Time To Fire Everyone At The Centers for Diease Control and Start Over

Finally, it looks like the CDC scrubbed their Zombie preparedness page:


If interested, here it is at the Internet Archive.