Sunday, November 12, 2023

Kai-Fu Lee's AI Firm Stockpiled 18 Months of Nvidia GPUs Before Export Ban

From Tom's Hardware, November 10:

There are loads of unused Nvidia AI and HPC GPUs in China, it seems.

01.AI, a China-based artificial intelligence startup, has embarked on a shopping spree and procured enough AI GPUs from Nvidia to keep growing for 18 months, its founder Kai-Fu Lee told Bloomberg in a brief interview. This was a smart move, as the U.S. has just restricted exports of these GPUs to China

"We have stockpiled a lot of Nvidia chips," said Lee.

Truth be told, it is not completely clear what "18 months of Nvidia" GPU means. As companies develop larger models, they need more compute GPUs to train them and even more GPUs to use them. Perhaps Kai-Fu Lee, who used to work at Apple, Microsoft, and Google, meant that the company has a roadmap with larger models and GPU requirements, and the company will have enough GPUs to execute the roadmap for about 1.5 years. Then again, it is unknown how complex these models are and how many GPUs they need....


If interested see also:
Kai-Fu Lee Builds His AI Startup From $0 To $1 Billion Valuation In Eight Months

"Billionaires and bureaucrats mobilize China for AI race with US"
As if having Dr. Lee put together his Manhattan Project team, "Kai-Fu Lee launches AI start-up to seize on ‘historical opportunity’ to build Chinese LLMs"wasn't enough, the whole country seems re-energized....