Monday, November 6, 2023

"Elon Musk's Tesla plans to produce a €25,000 EV at its Berlin gigafactory, according to an insider"

From EuroNews, November 6:

Plans to build a cheaper Tesla model in Europe were outlined by Elon Musk last week, according to an insider - but the company remains tight-lipped.

Tesla plans to build a €25,000 car at its factory near Berlin, a source with knowledge of the matter said on Monday, in a long-awaited development for the electric vehicle maker whose aim is for the mass uptake of its cars.

The source, who declined to be named, did not say when production would begin.

Tesla declined to comment.

Chief Executive Elon Musk visited the plant in Gruenheide on Friday and thanked staff for their hard work, a video on Musk-owned social media platform X showed.

At the same meeting, he informed staff of plans to build the €25,000 vehicle there, the source said....