Monday, April 3, 2023

"How the Twitter Algorithm works in 2023"

Although I am not a user of Twitter, preferring to look like a damn fool in the extended format of the Blogger platform rather than being limited to 280 characters, I know many of our readers are on the tweet-box and thought this might be of interest.

From Steven Tey, the first post on his new blog, March 31:

On March 31, 2023, Twitter open-sourced their algorithm.

It was a big day for Twitter, and for open-source. The Twitter algorithm is one of the most important parts of the Twitter experience - it determines what you see on your "For You" page, your notifications, and your search results....
Aptly named "The Algorithm", Twitter's algorithm can be found on 2 different GitHub repositories:
Here are some of my takeaways about how the Twitter algorithm works after diving into those codebases.
1. Your following-to-follower ratio matters.

Twitter's Tweepcred PageRank algorithm reduces the page rank of users who have a low number of followers but a high number of followings.

This method reduces the page rank of users who have a low number of followers but a high number of followings. It calculates a division factor based on the ratio of followings to followers, and reduces the user's page rank by dividing it by this factor.

Source: GitHub

The Tweepcred algorithm is derived from Google's famous PageRank algorithm, which is used to rank web pages.

Here's how the Tweepcred algorithm works:

  1. Assign a numerical score to each user based on the number and quality of interactions they have with other users - the higher the score, the more influential the user is on Twitter.
  2. Calculate a user's reputation score based on factors like account age, number of followers, and device usage.
  3. Adjust the user's score based on their follower-to-following ratio.
  4. The final score, on a scale of 0 to 100, is the Tweepcred score, which represents the user's reputation on Twitter.
  5. This score is used to determine which users should be recommended to follow or which users should have their content highlighted.

2. Twitter Blue subscribers get a boost in the algorithm....